7 Reasons To Have Heating & Furnace Systems Repair and Service Done Before Winter

Did you know that it’s a better idea to schedule your heating & furnace systems repair and service in the off-season? Here are seven reasons to get your services done now for the winter.

  1. You Know You Are Prepared For A Weather Change

One of the most important reasons for annual upkeep and maintenance is to get your home or business prepared for upcoming seasonal weather. Most people wait until the last minute for it, but because of the number of clients who do this, this can hinder finding a company to perform the service. Every company gets busier when weather patterns begin to change. Some customers learn this early on and begin to prepare their heating and furnace system much earlier to get faster service and a better rate.

  1. Reduces The Likelihood Of A Winter Fire

Did you know that most fires occur in the wintertime? Of course, this statistic includes fires from heating appliances, cooking, and Christmas décor, but it is a reminder to take fire hazards seriously. When you have a heating system inspected and old parts replaced, you’ll avoid having to experience a house or business fire.

  1. Yearly Maintenance Extends The Shelf Life Of A Furnace

It’s a proven fact that the more you care for your appliances, the longer they will last. Calling J Griffin Heating and Plumbing and scheduling an annual inspection allows us to plan for your individual needs ahead of time based on brand and model of appliances. While a furnace will last two decades, a small part inside may only last a few years. We will also know what has been repaired and when parts should age out.

  1. New Filters Ensure Cleaner Air & Less Energy Usage

The filters in your home’s heating system play a significant role as it cleans the airflow into your home and ensures no debris makes it into the HVAC system. Dirty air filters can also contribute to poor air quality and health issues with occupants.

The dirtier the filters, the harder your air system will also need to blow to get the air to each room in your home. It’s important to change these filters three to four times a year to ensure your system is working efficiently and using less natural gas energy.

  1. Reduces The Chance Of A Gas Or CO2 Leak

Small issues often have big consequences. A tiny crease in a line can lead to dangerous outcomes like a gas or CO2 leak. Having a yearly inspection before you plan to use an appliance ensures all the parts and lines are in optimal condition.

  1. It Improves Occupant Safety & Security

Just as you have your car serviced annually to improve safety and security, so too must you do the same for your home’s appliances. A yearly inspection will improve occupant safety and security as a thorough examination will find any issues. Having heating & furnace systems repair and service will ensure all is working correctly.

  1. You Will Have Peace-of-Mind After Annual Inspections

When you have annual inspections or heating & furnace systems repair and service, you will have peace-of-mind knowing your home and occupants are secure.

When you need us for heating & furnace systems repair and service, give us a call at (781) 521-2188 or contact our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/JGriffinHeatingandPlumbing/