Benefits of Installing an Outdoor Shower

If you have ever thought of investing in an outdoor shower, you have probably wondered whether or not the benefits really outweigh the cost. Well, outdoor showers offer many benefits to your home and routine that can make your life easier. In addition to being the perfect pool cleanup area, dog wash, and kid cleanup spot, outdoor showers can keep the inside of your home clean and spotless. If you are still on the fence, here is a closer look at the benefits of installing an outdoor shower.

Kids and Pets Cleanup

Kids can get very dirty very quickly. Whether it is splashing through the mud on a rainy day, a messy sports game, or any number of other less than clean events, kids can end up tromping a lot of dirt and mud through your house on the way to the bath or shower. But an outdoor shower can avoid this problem and keep your home spotless.

The same can apply to dogs as well, and this can also help with regular baths for your dogs as well. Fur has a habit of clogging pipes and making shower walls a mess. But, an outdoor shower offers the perfect option to keep your drains and bathroom clean as well as your dog.

Pool Changing and Cleanup Station

For those with a swimming pool or hot tub, an outdoor shower can offer a lot of utility. With an outdoor shower, you can get changed in and out of your swimming gear without dripping water all through the house or freezing in the cold A/C. Instead, you can get clean, dry, and changed without ever stepping foot indoors. It is also a good idea when using a shower for this purpose to enclose the shower so that you and guests can get changed in privacy. With a few fancy soaps and a pile of fluffy white towels, this can also give you the resort experience from the comfort of your own home.

Post Gardening Cleanup

Gardening is a dirty job, and an outdoor shower can offer a great way to rinse your feet off or take a full shower to get clean before heading indoors. This can be an extremely refreshing way to cool down after a hot day of pulling weeds. Also, for those with a creative touch, vines, trellises, or potted plants can offer a beautiful natural wall for privacy.

Cool Down On Hot Days

For those without air conditioning in their homes, the heat of the summer months can be nearly unbearable. When the heat gets to be too much, an outdoor shower can be the perfect way to cool down. An outdoor shower positioned in a shady private spot can give you a respite to indulge in the cool refreshing water.

Final Thoughts

Outdoor showers do not have to be a resort luxury, and they, in fact, can offer you a lot of utility in your home. Whether it is keeping your home clean or offering a luxurious shower experience, outdoor showers can be a great addition to your home.

Contact Us

If you are considering adding an outdoor shower to your home, contact J Griffin Heating & Plumbing. Our experienced plumbers can help you to plan and install an outdoor shower that is perfect for your needs. Call us at 781-520-1212 and connect with us on Facebook.