J Griffin Heating and Plumbing is committed to helping the community where we work and live – where our ideas, people, and resources can make a difference. Our business strongly believes in helping local groups. We  think it is our duty to give back to the community that has helped us over the years. By supporting local groups, we can help improve the quality of life for people in the community and make it a better place to live. Also, J Griffin Heating and Plumbing knows that local organizations often don’t have enough money or people to do their jobs, and they are committed to giving them the resources and help they need to reach their goals. We are happy to help local groups and committed to making a positive difference in the places where we work and live.

Here are some of the local organizations that we support. Click on the links below to learn more about each.

North Reading Youth Soccer

North Reading Youth Soccer

North Reading Little League

North Reading Little League

Little School PTO

Little School PTO

Reading Police DARE

Reading Police DARE Program

Reading Burbank YMCA

Reading YMCA Youth Summer Program

Fuller Center Disaster Rebuilders

Fuller Center Disaster Rebuilders