Whether you are a home or business owner, you’ll likely make water heater repairs and replacement decisions at least every ten to fifteen years. With so many new and innovative products on the market, you will also think about whether to go with a more traditional unit or one that is advanced. While all are energy-efficient in different ways, here are a few key details to think about before repairing and buying new.
- Conventional
Conventional water heaters are most common in American homes as they are easily accessible and often are more accessible for larger families as hot water is readily available.
- Affordable: Conventional water heaters cost less than other types, although some models are pricier if you want specialized accessories or features.
- Lower Up-Front Installation Costs: As conventional water heater units are insulated and house the primary parts already installed, you’ll pay far less for installation.
- Energy Efficiency: Most conventional water heaters are energy efficient in some capacity. You can easily spot a model’s rating on the side of each water heater tank.
- More Waste: Conventional water tanks store and heat more water throughout the day, so it could lead to water and energy waste.
- Damage: These models are more susceptible to leakage and damage to interior parts, especially heating elements because of age or hard water. Maintenance checks can lessen these risks.
- Tankless
Tankless water heaters are the go-to for small families or individuals. Water only heats when needed, so it uses less water and energy over the long run. Smaller units are also affordable options.
- On-Demand: Hot water is on-demand, so you don’t have the water heater heating until you need it. That makes it a natural choice for energy efficiency.
- Quick Heating Time: As soon as you turn on the shower or sink, hot water begins to flow within about thirty seconds. Its accessibility makes it a worthwhile money saver.
- Space Saver: Some tankless units are small, so they can attach to any space no matter how little the place you live. They can also connect to portable gas tanks, so they are usable in RVs.
- Not Family-Friendly: Tankless units are best for small families or individuals as the water heats during usage and has no tank to store water in.
- Cost: Tankless units can run anywhere from $175 to $13,500 depending on whether you choose gas or electric or how big or small the unit you choose.
- Solar
Solar water heaters can be invaluable for those who care most about using natural resources to support energy efficiency. If you live in a sunny area year-round, this might the best choice for you.
Renewable Resources: Solar water heaters depend solely on renewable energy sources such as the power of the sun to heat the water all day long. This helps to reduce monthly costs of living.
Sun Rays: When the sun is not shining, the water won’t heat. This could be a detractor during the winter months if you live in a climate where a lower sun and higher cloud output will likely occur.
Solar Panel Installation Costs: The up-front cost of solar panels can be a major issue as they are usually high because of an ROI that will be recuperated over several decades.
- Heat Pump
Heat pumps run on electricity or gas and move heat from one place to another, which can be efficient in larger homes where heating and hot water are needed throughout the day.
Energy Costs: Heat pumps use 60% less energy than traditional units as it operates several different heating components at once via one system. This will lead to lower energy bills each month.
Space: Heat pumps are often larger in size than other water heater models, so they may require more operating space.
Installation: These units can only be installed when the weather is above forty degrees and lower than ninety degrees. If you live in cold climates and need one quickly, you won’t likely choose this one.
If you are thinking about water heater repairs and replacement and want to know more about these model and unit types, call 781-520-1212 or visit https://www.facebook.com/JGriffinHeatingandPlumbing/.