How Long Does It Take to Install a New Gas Boiler?

When you are considering having a new boiler installed, the biggest question you likely have is, how long will it take? The answer is that it depends. It depends both on the type of boiler you have now, where it’s located, and what type you would like installed. Let’s take a look at some different situations, so you can see how long your boiler installation will likely take.

Straight Swap: 4–6 hours

This is the fastest option, and it simply entails taking out the old boiler and swapping a new one in its place. This assumes that the replacement boiler will be located in the same place, and all piping is already present and of the correct specifications.

If this is the case then, installation will simply involve isolating the systems, draining them, disconnecting them from the thermostat and power, and finally taking the old boiler out before placing the new one in. This whole process can be completed by one technician in a single day.

Installing a New Boiler: 1–2 days

If there is no existing boiler in place, time will be saved by not removing an existing boiler. However, this extra time will likely be spent installing new piping to your gas and water mains.

If no central heating system exists in addition to the boiler, then, this will need to be installed as well. This is a big job that will involve removing floorboards, installing new pipework, and placing new radiators. Overall, if the job requires installing a boiler and central heating, it will often take about 1-2 weeks.

Swapping Boiler Types: 2–3 days

Boilers come in three primary varieties: regular, combi, and system. Each of these three varieties of boilers requires different equipment, plumbing, and electronics. Unfortunately, this means that switching types of boilers takes about as much work and time as a new installation.

The most difficult swap is changing from a combi boiler to a regular or system boiler. A system boiler requires installing a cylinder to store water for the central heating system. Generally, this will be placed close to the boiler or in an airing cupboard, and both piping and space will need to be made for this equipment.

With a regular boiler, you will need a storage cylinder just like a system boiler, but this variety also requires a feed and expansion tank located at the highest point in the home.

Switching from either of these types to a combi boiler is quicker but will still take time to remove the extra systems and associated piping unless you choose to leave them in place.

Final Thoughts

As you have seen, there are a number of answers to how long does is take to install a boiler? Assuming it is simply swapping a boiler with the same type, it will probably only be a day, but for more complex changes, it can easily take several. The best way to be sure how long it will take is to contact heating professionals to give a specific estimate for your situation.

Contact Us

For a specific estimate on how long your installation may take or to schedule a service appointment, call J Griffin Heating & Plumbing at 781-520-1212. Connect with us on Facebook for more helpful information on heating and plumbing.