How To Fix Your Washing Machine Drain Hose

A water leak in your home can cause water damage and even an expensive mold problem. One issue in your home that can cause water damage is a leaking washing machine drain hose. But this is one problem that you can easily fix yourself to avoid any issues with water damage. You might want to get someone to help you remove the drain hose, but you should be able to do most of the job yourself. So, let’s get started.

Remove the Drain Hose from the Washing Machine

Before you remove the drain hose, you will need to shut off the water and turn off the electricity. Both of these need to be shut off at the main source. You should also cover the switches with tape while you are performing the work just to be safe. Then, find a wrench and remove the bolt connecting the hose to the washing machine.

Remove the Drain Hose from the Drain

You will need to take the drain hose off of the drain it is connected to. To do this, you will have to have someone help you. They will have to hold the top part of the hose while you get beneath the drain to unscrew it from the bottom. You should make sure to carefully remove it while keeping one hand free so as to grab the washers should they fall from the hole.

The most likely place for the leak to be coming from is at the connector. Therefore, be sure that this is properly threaded, and you may want to add plumbers tape when you reattach it. After you remove the hose, it is best to replace the washers with new ones. Washers do not cost very much, so it’s probably a good idea to replace them at this time, even if they are not causing the leak.

Check the Hose

Once you have the hose off, you will want to check it for leaks. Get a bowl of soapy water and slowly push the hose through it. As you push the hose through the soapy water, squeeze the hose so that air goes through it. Then, look for any signs of bubbles on the hose.

If you see any signs of leaks, you can use tape or a hot glue gun to seal the leaks. Sealing these leaks will only temporarily solve your problem. You will likely soon have to replace the hose. Therefore, you might want to consider whether or not you would prefer to replace the hose at this point rather than replace it later.

Reconnect the Hose

Now, in order to finish up with your repair, you need to put the drain hose back on your drain. At this point, you may need some help from someone again. Someone should hold the hose above the washers and the drain hole as you work to reconnect them. After you have reconnected the hose to your drain, you can then connect the hose up to your washing machine. After you have finished putting the hose back on your washing machine, you can turn the water and the power back on. Then, you should check to see whether or not the hose is still leaking.

Final Thoughts

Water leaks can be a serious problem if left unattended. They can cause damage which can be quite expensive. Additionally, they can lead to problems with mold, which are not only expensive but a health hazard. So, if you notice your washing machine drain hose is leaking, it is important to quickly repair or replace the hose yourself or hire someone else to take care of the problem.

Contact Us

For more information on repairing or replacing your washing machine drain hose or for scheduling an appointment for us to replace your drain hose, call J Griffin Heating and Plumbing at 781-520-1212 or connect with us on Facebook.