Does your toilet wobble whenever you sit down? This may seem like no big deal, but it can actually be a serious issue that can cause severe damage to your home. When your toilet wobbles, it often means that your toilet’s connection is loose, potentially resulting in damage to your toilet’s seal and leaks.
Tightening a loose toilet isn’t a difficult fix. But to be certain it is done correctly and without damage to your seal, you may wish to call a licensed plumber if you aren’t confident. Either way, it is important to get it done quickly. So, without further delay, let’s look at how to tighten a loose toilet.
Check For a Loose Toilet Seat
Before attempting to fix more serious issues, make sure the problem isn’t just a loose toilet seat. Oftentimes, this issue may accompany a generally old and wobbly toilet as well, so be prepared for this to be only part of the problem.
To fix this issue, all you need to do is tighten the seat bolts. Often, you don’t need any tools for this. Simply turn the bolt clockwise and, if necessary, use pliers to hold the corresponding nut below.
Tightening the Toilet’s Base
First, check the toilet’s mounting bolts. To do this, pry off the plastic caps located over the bolts located on either side of the toilet’s base. Next, check with your fingers and see if either bolt feels loose.
If either one seems loose, use a socket wrench to tighten the bolts until you can feel a bit of resistance. Be careful not to overtighten the bolt; after all, the toilet is porcelain and may crack. If the bolt breaks or is already broken, both the bolt as well as the wax seal between the toilet and the flange will need to be replaced.
Check for a Damaged Flange
If the problem isn’t simply loose bolts, it may be caused by a damaged flange. This is a ring of either metal or durable plastic that your toilet bolts to, which is in turn affixed to the floor.
First, remove your toilet’s bolts and next examine the flange itself. If the flange is metal and the damage is mild, you may be able to simply use a repair flange that will fit over your existing flange. However, if the damage is severe or the flange is plastic, it will need to be replaced, and this should be done by a licensed plumber.
Check to See if the Toilet Is Level
It’s possible that a loose and rocking toilet may be caused by an uneven floor or poor installation. The toilet’s base should always be flush with the floor itself, so if it isn’t, try using silicone or rubber shims to fill the gap.
If the issue is severe, try removing the toilet and reinstalling it correctly. However, if the toilet is old and has seen better days, it may be time to replace it and correctly install a new toilet.
Final Thoughts
A loose toilet is a problem every homeowner should take seriously and repair as soon as possible. This issue can lead to leaks and major damage to your home. If you choose to do the work yourself, check the issues that we addressed above, and if the issues return afterward, it is best to consult a professional plumber to prevent damage to your home.
Contact Us
For more information on what may be causing your loose toilet or to schedule a service appointment, contact J Griffin Heating & Plumbing; call us at 781-520-1212 and connect with us on Facebook. With more than 30 years of experience, our licensed plumbers can solve your toilet issues quickly and hassle-free.