
As a change in weather is approaching, you are likely starting to think about heating needs. If you have oil heating, you are also likely thinking about making a change. If you are wondering about when the best time for the oil to gas conversions, here’s what you must know to make the right choice.

Why Choose an Oil To Gas Conversion?

Our customers often choose to change from oil to gas for a few critical reasons: winter heating budgets, environmental factors, the furnace’s shelf life, and to invest in a system that offers advantages in the long-term. An oil to gas conversion also offers benefits for homeowners, including efficient heating equipment that has a warranty. It’s also a big opportunity to benefit from oil to gas conversion when you choose the best season to get it done.

If you are already looking into a conversion, you also might be wondering when our experts at J Griffin Heating and Plumbing recommend having it done. Of course, natural gas can be installed throughout the year depending on weather patterns, but there are pros and cons to each season. If you are wondering when the best time to call us to learn more about oil to gas conversion benefits, here is what we highly recommend to our customers.

  • Summer

Summer is an ideal time for homeowners to schedule oil to gas conversions as people use less gas in the off-season. Once your appliances are converted, you’ll see immediate benefits. The summer also gives you plenty of time to get it finished before you will need the heating.

You’ll not have to worry about preparing your heating system as the equipment will be newly installed and ready to use when the nights turn cold. You also won’t have to worry about scheduling your project during the busier season as you’ll be way ahead of winter must-dos.

  • Fall

The early fall is also a good time to convert as the weather is cooler, but not too cold to need your furnace yet. It allows us to inspect for gas appliances and heating systems to ensure they are working and ready to use since the late fall is when the colder weather will begin.

  • Winter

Some property owners do not discover their heating system needs to be replaced until they switch on their heating equipment and find they no longer work.  It is typically why the winter season is the busiest time of the year responding to the emergency furnace and heating calls.

  • Spring

The spring is when most construction companies come to life as the weather is warm and it enables construction companies to get started on building projects.  It is also a time when homeowners schedule remodeling projects, so it is also perfect for our team to get started and convert homes from oil to gas. You also have a larger window to schedule a conversion project since the spring offers early-bird benefits.

Do I Need To Schedule An Appointment For Oil To Gas Conversions?

While an appointment is appreciated, we also know that when it comes to heating, emergencies happen when you least expect them. We highly recommend giving us a call so we can send out a technician for a property inspection. We can schedule an appointment then or start it while on site.

Right now is the best time to call us at (781) 521-2188 for up-to-date information on oil to gas conversions. You can also follow our business and get to know all of our heating and plumbing specialists by visiting our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/JGriffinHeatingandPlumbing/.